Working from home health challenges
Those that work from home face a set of unique health challenges, particularly those that work desk jobs. When I first thought about working from home, I was excited and thought about how easily I would be able to maintain my health. I thought about all the opportunities to eat healthy and work out, but I was wrong. Working from home in the Cleveland area is difficult, but there are things you can do to make it work.
My Challenges I was motivated to work out for about a week before temptation set in. Temptation #1 Leftovers, snacks, etc. I thought that with working from home I'd be eating out less and obviously would be sans vending machine. Unfortunately, I didn't realize how much the leftovers and snacks in the kitchen would tempt me. With a lack of structure, I found myself facing the same challenges as I did after work- grazing and snacking. Temptation #2 The nap - I also didn't realize how tempting just laying down for a few minutes here and there would be. Without a solid start time to my day, procrastination set in and I found myself lying in bed...just a little bit of shut eye I said. How to Overcome Them I had to get tough on myself and start sticking to a solid routine. Routine is the most important. SEO exec Glenda Thomas faced the same challenges. She says "I faced the same problems when I first started working from home. I thought - ok I'll cut out the morning Starbucks and trips to the cafeteria. It'll be great! However, I didn't anticipate how poorly my habits could go. I had to set a daily routine to turn things around." Check out the video for some office exercises to get started. |